Monthly Specials

20% Off These Support Products For Women Throughout May 2024

This Month, we are focusing on supporting women throughout the various stages of their lives. The following products are some of our favorites, and they are all on sale at 20% off all month long.

Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 12th. Women go through a lot of changes in their lifetime, and Mother Nature has plenty of herbs and supplements to support all of those changes. Whether you are a Mother-to-be, a young mother needing hormonal balance, or you are going through the change of life into menopause, we have something for you. The supplements below have a long history of being safe, as well as effective, and they are all on sale at 20% off the entire month of May.

Red Raspberry

Women have used the leaves of the red raspberry plant for centuries to support the female reproductive system, especially in labor and during childbirth. Red raspberry leaves contain high levels of tannins and fruit acids, making it a perfect astringent to help tone and tighten tissues after giving birth as well. This supplement is on sale at 20% off the entire month of May.

Wild Yam

This herb helps support and balance the female glandular system. It is used widely to support menopausal women. The Aztec and Mayan native peoples stewed it as a tea and gave it to women to help relieve their pains during childbirth and menstruation. Early European settlers used it as a remedy for colic and gout. This supplement is on sale at 20% off the entire month of May.


This supplement provides superior nutrition for both mother and unborn child. It is a perfect blend of vitamins, minerals, organic superfoods, and nourishing herbal tonics that have been used for centuries to gently support joyous, radiant pregnancies and super healthy babies. This supplement is on sale at 20% off the entire month of May.

FCSII (Female Glandular Support)

The individual herbs in this time-trusted formula collectively are used to provide nutritional support for the female reproductive system, while also supporting the urinary and glandular systems. This supplement is on sale at 20% off the entire month of May.

Evening Primrose Oil

The known benefits of Evening Prinrose oil include providing the body with important fatty acids (GLA), helping the body maintain proper temperature, strengthening body tissues, supporting the glandular and circulatory systems, as well as promoting bone health. This supplement is on sale at 20% off the entire month of May.

Menopause Homeopathic

The symptoms of menopause can vary from person to person. This formula addresses symptoms such as hot flashes, decreased libido, sleeplessness, mood swings, discomfort and fatigue. It is safe to use by itself or combined with other menopause formulas. This supplement is on sale at 20% off the entire month of May.

All sale prices are good on in-stock items only. Sale prices expire on 05/31/24

May not be combined with any other discount or sale.